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The SKIN by Cocoona skincare range combines the best of scientific innovation with the power of the most potent ingredients found in nature.

Our patients have been telling us for years that they wish they could expect the same level of excellence and outstanding results from their at-home skin care regimes. We listened and we took action.

Since our launch nearly a decade ago, COCOONA has set a new benchmark for aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in the region. We strive for nothing less than excellence across every aspect

From the expertise of our surgical team, the high standard of service and quality that has become synonymous with the brand, and our state-of-the-art facilities.


The Founders

Dr Sanjay Image

“From over 25 years of experience as an aesthetic and reconstructive surgeon, I have witnessed the impact that a person’s appearance has on their individual wellbeing. To put it simply, when we look the best we can, we feel happier and more confident.

My patients, many of whom have been coming to me for over ten years, told me that the skin care products they were using at home were falling short of their expectations. They wanted quality products that work for their skin type and help to combat their particular beauty issues. They wanted a range of products that are innovative and grounded in science, have been rigorously tested and are safe to use. They wanted products that work.

For the past year, we have been working tirelessly to develop a range of innovative and effective skin care products that answer the needs of our patients. I am happy to say that we have succeeded in our goal. The SKIN by Cocoona range is the complete solution for simply beautiful skin.”

“As Cocoona’s co-founder and having worked alongside Dr Sanjay for many years, I know how important beautiful skin is for all women – whatever their age, their occupation and wherever they are from in the world.

Glowing, youthful skin is widely regarded to be the foundation for beauty. However perfect our features may be, if our skin looks dull, dehydrated or rough, it takes a huge toll on our overall appearance. It also has an impact on our confidence and how we present ourselves to the world.

Having spoken to many of Cocoona’s patients, from conversations with female friends and, of course, being a woman myself who has struggled to find the perfect skincare routine in the past, I know that women want a range of innovative skin care products that have been formulated by experts. I know that we want a product range that has been developed using the latest scientifically-proven ingredients, in combination with the natural remedies our mothers and grandmothers relied on to keep themselves looking their best. We also want products that are going to work for our skin… because our skin is as unique as we are.

Dr Sangeeta Image